Portola Hills Halloween Contest

It's that time of year.. the kiddos will be out and about and excited to see your home decorated in the Halloween spirit. I have lived and worked in Portola Hills since 1995 and I have always loved how the neighbors come together to make it enjoyable for the kids. We use to have many driveway fire-pits and haunted garages as the kids walked the neighborhood! In that spirit we are hosting a fun contest on our Portola Hills Living Facebook Page. It's super simple too! 1. Take a picture of your home.. day or night whatever shows off your decorations the best. 2. Post your picture on our Portola Hills Living Page ... or send me a picture direct and I will upload for you. That's it... On Halloween, we will enter everyone who posted a picture into a drawing and randomly select the winner. Seriously even if you have just a simple decoration as pumpkins in the yard... send a picture!! So what's the prize!! ...