
Showing posts from February, 2010

Calling for Recall on Mortgages - What do you think

Check out my latest Real Estate blog - let me know your thoughts - Blessings, Kelly

Saddleback district alters boundaries for 13 schools | school, kids, elementary - News - The Orange County Register

Just an Fyi! Saddleback district alters boundaries for 13 schools school, kids, elementary - News - The Orange County Register

Portola Hills hardest town to buy homes - Good News for Portola Home Sellers

Portola Hills hardest town to buy homes - Lansner on Real Estate : The Orange County Register Remember the rule of supply and demand. Low supply and high demand makes home sellers happy :)

Portola Hills Residents, Considering a Short Sale, Consider This.

As many of my Portola Hills clients know, I am not one to jump on the short sale band wagon. That doesn't mean I won't do one, I just won't do one for the sole reason to get a sale. It is imperative for my clients to truly understand what the outcome of a short sale can be. Recently I had a client call me, I did not do their short sale and asked "Kelly we just got a 1099 for the difference between what we ended up selling for and what owed, what are we suppose to do with this" This is a common question, first please, please, please if you are going to do a short sale make sure to read your contract to ensure the lender can not come after you for the difference at a later point. Secondly please speak with a tax professional to understand in your state what the tax consequences are. Also I recommend speaking with a financial counselor to discuss how it will impact your credit. No doubt, your credit is going to be shot, but that is not forever. I came across...