
Showing posts from March, 2009

Keeping Local Dollars In Portola Hills

When you come through Portola Hills, you probably don't think of business. That is part of what makes Portola Hills such a special place to live, there really isn't any commerce. But is there..... Ask yourself? What do your neighbors do for a living? How does their success add to the success of your neighborhood? Do you have a need that a struggling neighor could help you with? Did you know your neighbor has a home based business that may actually help you and your business. Need an Attorney, Landscaper, Hair Stylist, Let's not forget Realtor ! - bet there are few of those here in Portola Hills that would love your call. Have you noticed in today's world everyone comes home and drives straight into their garage, no hello's, no hand shakes, no hugs, the goal being in and out of the home with as little interaction as possible. No ill-will intended just gotta get dinner going! But in today's economy this is the exact opposite of what we all need to do. We need to u...

Rooms for Rent w/Beautiful Portola Views

Room available in a beautiful Portola Hills home. Possibility of two rooms available if you are looking for a more space. It is like having your own wing. Utilities included, internet, cable, garage storage, fulll house access. One Room - $725.00 Two Rooms - $1100.00 Referances, Credit Check Required. For more information click here . Portola Hills residents, got some news you want to share? Make sure to forward your details and we would be happy to include your details in Portola Hills Living.
Love social networking, able to catch up with friends in India, China and throughout the U.S. makes this big bad world seem pretty small
checking out Ping to update my updates.....

Portola Hills Employment Rate is 96.1%

I was reading an article today that caught my attention on the O.C. Register. The reason it caught my attention is because it was in a sense trying to be positive yet it's very nature was negative. I have posted before, that the media only focus is bad news so it doesn't surprise me, but as the article mentioned Portola Hills, I thought I would put a positive spin on it. The article "What's the jobless rate in your O.C. city " notes that the most recent Orange County unemployment rate is 7.9% and then breaks it down by city. For Portola Hills that rate is 3.9%. Though I don't want to take away the fact that unemployment is hurting everyone, if we just switched the wording around don't you think the stress from those words would be much different..... In these difficult times, focus on the Possibilities.