
Showing posts with the label portola hills rentals

Is your Portola Hills home going to be your first Rental Property?

Did you know there are over 200 original owners here in Portola Hills.  The community was started in the late 80's so that is nearly 40+ years of equity growth for those homeowners.  Especially with the median price of the area nearing $1 million dollars.   Most of those homeowners have very low mortgages or the homes are paid off, which provides them with a wonderful opportunity to leverage their equity into other rental properties.  Perhaps the original home could become or has become their first investment property. With rising rents, right now is an excellent time to perhaps take the jump to become a landlord.   Check out these 3 Mistakes we see first time investors make in the real estate market. 1.  Not doing a cash flow analysis. 🤑 It is easy to say, oh my mortgage is this, I can rent it for that and do the math.  But it goes much deeper than that, understanding your overall cost is critical step in planning. 2.  Not working with...

Portola Hills Rents increase 7% in 2015.

As a  Realtor  in Portola Hills, I believe it is important to understand the complete real estate market.  I work with many investor owners in the area who have been long term landlords as well new investors who are looking to expand their real estate portfolio.  In addition, tenant's who have become future homeowners. When I work with any client, my goal is to always understand their long term vision.   Often times, rentals are an aspect of the business many agents do not like to handle.     I view Rentals much differently.   If I want to be your trusted Realtor for life, then that means I handle the majority of your real estate needs, even the ones that "seem to be a lot of work"  Otherwise.. how can I truly be your Real Estate Adviser.  If you research, you don't read much on the rental market in various neighborhoods. So starting this month... we will begin writing a rental spotlight of the areas we focus in, i.e. Portola...

The Portola Hills Rental Market

Rental market in Portola Hills?  You might be thinking wait there are not any apartments in Portola Hills, so how many rentals can their be.   Did you know there are over 280 rental properties in Portola Hills.  So far in 2015 33 residences have rented*. In 2014 a total of 38 residences were rentals, below is a summary of what has rented so far this year.. Portola Hills Rentals Breaking the above data down, shows the average rent in Portola Hills was $2477 and that was for 1463 square feet.  Overall the price per square footage is at $1.79 per square foot. This is 7% increase from 2014, where the price per square foot averaged $1.67.   This increase is pretty consistent with the rest of Orange County.  A report in the OC Register in July noted pricing overall in the County increased 6.9%. When working with tenants I find they are drawn to Portola Hills for the same reason homeowners are, it's a nice residential area, low crime,  centrally ...