Ready to Win our Annual Holiday Cash Contest

Tis the season and we are always excited about our Cash Giveaways. Especially this year, as we know it has been a difficult year for many. You have four chances to win. Simply complete the entry and you will automatically be entered. See below for details. For those clients in Portola Hills who entered our Fall Decorating Contest, which we had to cancel do to the Silverado Fire and Evacuation, we have automatically entered you into this contest. Enter me in Kelly Turbeville Holiday Cash Giveaway Deadline to enter is Tuesday Dec 15th. 2020 How to Enter: Click Here Terms apply: This contest is sponsored by Kelly Turbeville with GPS real estate group at Keller Williams. It is not affiliated with any online programs. Participants who complete the online entry form will be entered into the contest with the possibilities of winning 1 out of 4 cash prizes. There is no guarantee of winnings. All participates names will be drawn in a random select...