
Showing posts from August, 2017

Portola Hills July Home Value Review

Hard to believe we are half way through the year in 2017.   Time sure does fly by, so I hope you have been able to take some time and enjoy summer.   We have been busy with real estate as the market hasn't slowed down one bit, which is not typical for this time of year.  July and August are generally our slower months, as buyers and sellers are distracted by summer fun.    Below is a look a how the real estate market performed in July in Portola Hills. As you will note pricing is up 6% from this time last year, we also have more homes on the market with 15 vs 9 in 2016.  Homes are taking on average about 16 days to sell in Portola Hills.   However, I would anticipate that creeping up in August as summer distractions kick in high gear in August with last minute vacations and back to school. What's the Value of my Portola Hills home? Looking at the active inventory available in Portola Hills currently it is good to see more homes co...