
Showing posts with the label buying your first home

Congratulations to all the Single Girl Bosses who see the value in Homeownership.

Being raised by a Single Mother and being on the constant move as a child, homeownership was something I always strived for as a child. The stability I saw it bring my friends who grew up in the same home and went to the same school was something I desired as we moved a lot. With each new city, starting over.  I believe subconsciously this drove me to work extremely hard in my 20's so I could purchase my first home. I remember at the time, people telling me, "I was too young, I should wait until I got married, how can I afford it on my own, wouldn't it be better with two incomes."  I wasn't making a lot a money, at the time I believe it was under $40k and the interest rates were 8.25%... crazy!  My Realtor, Frank believed in my goal and helped secure financing and with as little as 3.5%, I bought my first home! I'll never forget that moment and yes I was very anxious but the joy and stability it brought is almost unexplainable. As this month is Women's His...