
Showing posts with the label Portola Hills August home sales

Portola Hills August 2015 ends with a 37% increase in number of sales.

Historically August is a quiet month in the real estate market, people are finishing up vacations and getting kids ready for school, etc.  In Portola Hills however this wasn't the case when it comes to the  number of homes that sold as we saw a 37% increase  in the number of closed escrows over August of 2014. In 2014 5 homes closed escrow in 2015 8 homes closed escrow...   Below is a breakdown of what homes sold in both years. Portola Hills August 205 Home Sales As you will note this last month, 8 homes successfully closed escrow with average price point of approximately $503,000. Portola Hills August 2014 Home Sales In 2014, 5 homes closed escrow, with an average price point of $490,000.    Comparing the two years in regards to pricing we saw a 9% increase in the sales prices .   Still outpacing Orange County as a whole, but down from the double digit price increase we saw in June and July. With the last quarter, anticipa...