Portola Hills Residents - It's Possible to Save Your Home
I am pleased to announce that after careful consideration, I will be offering a new service Mortgage Review for my clients. Throughout the past year, I have been asked by our valuable clients on what is the best move with their mortgage and have been happy to provide directions. With the current market conditions the number of short sales and foreclosures have increased and this makes me sad. I hate seeing the first response this crises, I guess we will need short sales or foreclose or the feeling of frustration when you call your lender and get no help. So in response I have decided to include as one of my services the option of Loan Modification and have aligned my self with a company who has great success in just that. Our goal is to save your home ! If you currently have negative equity, worried about your loan being reset, see trouble on the horizon and would like to KEEP YOUR HOME, then we may be able to help. As always my goal and service pledge is to understand your...