Direct from Baldwin & Sons the Developers of the Portola Center: The next community meeting is scheduled for August 18, 2010 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. As a result of Portola Hills Elementary School not being available during the summer, we are very appreciative of the cooperation of the Portola Hills I HOA for allowing us to use their recreation room. Their address is: 18891 Saddleback Ranch Road, Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679 We have made a request of each HOA to provide a Board representative to create a steering committee to provide input into agenda development over the next year. The formation of the steering committee is a work in progress. Until then, our thoughts for the August meeting are to provide the land use plan approved in the Opportunity Study by the City Council, an overview of the project description, and an overview of the Area Plan with a focus on those items requested to be addressed by the community. An agenda will be provided within the next several weeks....