
Showing posts with the label millionaire real estate investor

First Home should be your First Investment Property.

I was listening to a Podcast ( Think like a CEO with Gary Keller and Jay Papason ) which I am really enjoying and it really got me thinking of first time homeowners and sellers, who are thinking about moving up to their new property. We all get so excited about the new larger home with all the details your current home doesn't have, but I think sometimes fail to think of long term opportunity that is available when we look at the home as an investment.  Especially after this Pandemic, many buyers today are looking at making a move up into a larger home that offers better functionality for their new home life. Which is totally understandable.   With the equity growth the housing market has seen over the last few years, and the low interest rates there is a really great opportunity laying in front of us and you might be surprised to hear this from an Agent... DON'T SELL YOUR HOME! (though have to say the market really needs the inventory).    If your mortgage is l...