Will there be a Spring rush of Home Sales in Portola Hills? March 2013 Real Estate Snapshot

Shhhh....  It's quiet in Portola Hills and we are not just talking about the tranquil neighborhoods.  We are talking about the real estate market.  Typically March in the Saddleback Valley we see an uptick of homes coming on the market.  The inventory at the end of the 2013 was at an all time low, we saw about a 7% increase in inventory after the holidays. However, here in the Saddleback Valley and especially Portola Hills it was Quiet!!

Reports indicate the market is heading back to 2006 levels  so looking at the number of homes that sold this time in 2006 (17) vs. what has sold this month (6), you can see it is pretty quiet.  Over the last few years the average number of homes sold in March is about 10.

The good news here is for Home Sellers.  When the inventory is low and the buyer demand is high that means it's a sellers market.    The rule of supply and demand wins!

Below is a summary of what sold in March in Portola Hills:

March 2014 Portola Hills Sold Homes

If you are consider a move this year, you'll want to keep in mind how inventory levels affect home pricing. Take a look below at our info-graphic by month of the inventory level vs sales price.

Portola Hills Inventory vs. Sales Price

Planning makes perfect! However, buyers are more savvy these days and with all the data available it is very important for sellers to list their home at Fair Market Value otherwise it will not be first choice for today's buyer.Ever wonder when you drive bye a house and it is still available....?

Strategy is Kelly's strong suit,  if you are considering a move.  We are happy to review with you the current market along with the any home staging and a market plan to bring you top dollar for your home!


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