Just Sold 28366 Klondike Dr.... Kelly Did It Again - Record 2011 Price!

So excited for our seller as she has moved into her new home and we successfully sold her Montecido Townhome in Portola Hills.  As you can see from the photo's this was a lovely home in a great location;   two key assets, along with our extensive understanding of the current market, ensuring our homeowner received top dollar in this tough market!

I admit, it drives me crazy to see homeowners sell their home at the bottom of the market, when there is opportunity to bring them a higher sales price.  That's why our track record speaks for itself. This home sold for 10% over most recent sales in the complex.  The best part of today's market is, if you price your home out of range, then it is not going to appraise. Lenders are being very stringent on the numbers and the money they are loaning on.  It will also stay on the market a longer time, which will eventually hurt your overall pricing strategy.  However, that does not mean you should price your home below market.  Real Estate is local, that includes what is happening in your specfic neighborhood but also in the surrounding area.

Pricing is 100% in control of the homeowner! Guidance only comes from your real estate professional, always remember the numbers don't lie. This is why it is critical to your success to review what is most important for you as the homeowner, price, timing, etc.  Then review it with at least three Realtors. Ask yourself why does one home sell for less then another home if they are apple to apples.  A couple dollars off is not an issue, 10%  and over the last Sold, hmmm.  What does this Realtor do different? Does your Real Estate Professionals track record match what is happening in the market, in regards to timing and price?  Check out our post for some helpful tips, if you are considering selling your home  15 Questions to Ask Your Realtor!

Most importantly, Remember It's Possible!


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