
Portola Hills is Sold Out!

What is the rule of supply and demand! No supply, high demand, increases prices. Now add Location, Location, Location and you just about have the perfect storm to get your Portola Hills Home sold in todays crazy market. If you are wondering if now is the perfect time to list your Portola Hills home, contact Kelly today for a complimentary review of the possibilities.

Just another reason to live in Portola Hills

As part of the Saddleback Valley our neighbor city Mission Viejo and also our mother city of Lake Forest are part of the Top 10 Safest Cities in America along with Irvine. If you don't live in Portola Hills , then you may wonder what is the relation. Well Portola Hills is a community surrounded by these neighborhoods. To all the residents keep up the great work of keeping the area safe and let's not forget beautiful!
Laboring on Labor Day-off to show two great Portola Hills homes for my buyers April & Norman, both offer great possibilities.
Local events in the Saddleback Valley @ - get out and enjoy the sunshine!

Stats, Stats and More Real Estate Stats for Orange County

Just a quick look at where the inventory currently is at in Orange County California for today 8/25/09. Active Properties: 8848 = 3.36 Supply Closed Escrow: 7573 in the last 90 days As you can see the inventory is extremly low. Demand is high, inventory low, which we all now means pricing should be inching up. Of course, new to this phenom is the number of distressed properties. What does the market need. Equity Sellers! If you are considering a move up, now is a great time to advantage of the low inventory, high buyer demand and low interest rates, call Kelly today.

Portola Hills Mountain Lion Visiting Neighbors

Just a quick alert to let the residents know a Mountain Lion has been spotted in the area.
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